We strive our best in developing and
We strive our best in developing and
researching new products and cutting-edge technologies.

Mold Casting Method
We manufacture using materials approvedby the FDA to ensure consumer safety,
employing the mold casting method.

Pigment Coloring
Our continuous development in dyestabilization ensures high production
efficiency and minimal color deviation.

3 curve edge design
We have developed the Core 3 Curve edgedesign to minimize the interaction between
the eye and lens, ensuring comfort.

Optoform 80
Utilizing the Optoform 80, a high-precisionmicrofabricationdevice, we have developed core
technologies through dimensional and
precision error control.
Development of new products & cutting-edge technologies.
G&G Contact Lens manufactures superior lenses with afocus on customer safety, using FDA-approved materials.